Okay, so…this blog.
I have been blogging in my head forever. It takes me a million years to feel comfortable enough to actually do something that is so steep on the learning curve. But I want to do this more than anything…hmm, let’s see…are there any other hyperbolic generalizations I can add?
But really, what am I doing here and what do I intend to add to the blogosphere?
I intend to write about the things that are important to me. I want to write about writing and journal-keeping, about reading – and especially reading about writing or even reading about reading. Stories about stories, reading, writing – these things make me happy.
I want to write about life, memory, faith & family and about how they interweave in my head and in the physical world that I occupy.
No doubt stuff about getting older and our empty nest will make its way onto the page. Because that’s where I am. And to my surprise, though I’ve grown up and changed and (hopefully) matured, what I love and think about most of the time is still the same. Books, journals, family, memories, stories. And humor. Hopefully, I can make you smile. Smiling is my favorite.
Writing is my proof of life and my saving grace.
So, yeah…this blog.