So, how about that heat, eh?
It’s been a record-breaking kind of summer when it comes to unusually hot days, not only here in Alberta, but all over the place, really. At the beginning of July when the forecast continually over-delivered on daily temperatures, it was easy to say, “Oh, that’s nice – we finally get a hot summer.” And by summer, we usually mean “about two weeks”.
But here it is August and the other day I heard myself saying to my husband, “Geez, it’s only gonna get to 18 today.” Which goes to show how quickly one can become acclimated to something. Not that I particularly love the hot temperatures. Or the dead grass, the abundance of grasshoppers or the sad looking crops in the fields.
In fact, the lack of rain has made me wonder if we’re entering another Dust Bowl Era. Thankfully, we have had a couple of half-decent rains in the last couple of weeks. It had been so long that when we heard the rain from the basement (where we regularly go to escape the late day heat), we ran upstairs and opened up the blind on the big picture window and just watched that like the latest episode of Planet Earth. If you shut your eyes and listened carefully, you could hear commentary from David Attenborough.
Not that I’m complaining about any of it. I mean really, it’s weather. Whatchagonnadoaboutit? We just deal with it by seeking out cold basements and air-conditioned stores for respite. Or we buy snow blowers and fuzzy slippers and snuggle in. The view outside the front window is always changing.
The forecast says it’s gonna be hot again this weekend. And that’s just gonna be alright.